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Image by Brett Jordan


Finding Bliss Within Sangha


Open to all yoga and meditation practitioners, Yoga Teachers and those who are curious about Yogic Philosophy! 


Please join us for our “Finding Bliss Within” Sangha gatherings where each month we will study teachings from one or more of the sacred texts of yoga: the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads and Vedas. Over the month, you will then practice Svadhyaya (self-study) as you reflect deeper on the important concepts of yoga that resonate with you to journey closer to your true self. 


This is a donation-based offering, whether you are completely new to Yogic Philosophy, or are a seasoned yoga or meditation practitioner; ALL ARE WELCOME! 


As we gather together with like-minded people to share our truth and support one another, we will help to shine a light for each other as we travel on our journey to self- discovery.


CEs are available for Register Yoga Teachers.


Sangha – A community of people devoted to the spiritual search.

















In Depth with the Yamas and the Niyamas


Join us (Charlotte of Trillium Ayurveda and I) weekly via Zoom to study the first two Limbs of Yoga, the Yamas & Niyamas. In these courses, we will discuss in depth each of these Limbs and ways to cultivate these important practices "off" the mat.


These are truly “Life practices” and you do not need to be a yoga practitioner to embody these practices that aid you in cultivating inner peace. Inner peace…how sweet does that sound!?! 


This course is a lovely complement to our weekly yoga classes. Embodying these practices on & off the mat is truly "living" yoga!

​Yoga Alliance CE eligible. 





Philosophy Studies

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